
This is my professional page where you can read some of my writing, find videos, and learn more about my ministry. If you are interested in getting in touch, please use the contact form in the above menu.

Between 2018-2023, I served the United States Air Force as a chaplain–a life-long interest for which I took a break from parish ministry. Now that I have come off active duty, I look forward to serving again in a parish ministry setting. It is where my heart for the church, writ large, is best found. Prior to being in the military, for 12 years I served congregations in Illinois and Texas. I invite you to explore the above links to learn more about my work, interests, and passions.

I took the picture in the header at Garden of the Gods. Each of the rock formations has its own identity, representing how a single unity can take many forms, and be known by many names.