More on mission

Do we want to be a mission-based church?

Mission, for some of us, may be another of those challenging words, conjuring up images of “missions” to convert others to a particular faith, or of those big mega-churches which lay claim to the word “mission.” Living on the south side of San Antonio, so close to its beautiful missions, I’m also aware of the charged and complicated history of the European presence here during centuries past – all under the banner of mission.

Yet, not having a strong mission dooms us to a term from the world of Website development: “scope creep.” Scope creep is when what you’re doing expands and drifts because you lack a strong sense of purpose and reason for existence.

Leadership at First Church is dedicated to parsing everything it does – every activity, program, and outreach — through the lens of our mission to “Invite, Inspire, and Involve.” (See my August column for more on our new mission statement.)

The new Web design of is one place both volunteer and paid staff have tried to pay attention to our mission. The new Website has a more simple design with a dedicated area right on the main page for newcomers to find the information they need right away. Technically it allows more people to become involved with developing and changing content, which will facilitate involvement, creativity and collaboration between all those involved.

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